This is one of the most used script types in the chatbot. Whenever you want to create a menu or a set of options for the user to choose, then use the Multi Choice type. You can add an option by pressing the + button and remove the same using the - button.
Choose the Multi Choice type inside Build > Script

Click on Edit to add your own words.

You can add more Options by clicking the plus sign. Once you are done making changes, you can click on Done.

Go to Build > Design and see how it looks.

We recommend keeping the text on the options to shorter words to make the bot look more aesthetic.
You can use Logical Jump in this script type to jump to a specific question based on the option selected by the user.
You can use a single option in this message type to pause the conversation at certain points and wait for the user to interact. This makes the bot more interactive to the user. For example, if you set the option text as "Okay", then the user has to press the "Okay" option to move forward in the conversation.

Click on the Eye icon to preview the chatbot at any point.
If it says Unpublished Changes, it means there are changes waiting to be made public.
Once you click on Publish, all pending changes will become live on your chatbot.
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