Referrer is the URL of the webpage from which user came to your website. Your website may have been visited from search results, via social-media posts or from other blog posts. The chatbot can read who these referrers are and decide whether to show itself or not, based on the rules you set.
Please go to Settings > Targeting and click on the + button. Select Referrer from the dropdown list.

In the above example, we added a rule under Hide for. The referral URL input can be regex. Here, if they visited the website from Facebook or Yahoo search, then the bot will be hidden.
The same rule can be added under Show for as well.
You can use the templates option to list some of the common referrers.
Don't forget to publish your changes before testing.
This setting is only available for the chatbot when it is used as Widget. It is not applicable when used as Embed or Chatbot page.
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