File Upload Type

File Upload Type

You can allow the user to upload files during the conversation using this Script type. Any file up to 10 MB in size can be uploaded using this option and also only a single file can be uploaded per question.


Choose the File Upload type inside Build > Script


Click on Edit to customize.

Once you are done making changes, you can click on Done.


Go to Build > Design and see how it looks.


All uploaded files are deleted after 6 months from the day of upload.

Kindly make arrangements to backup the data from your end. After 6 months, the files cannot be recovered.


  • Click on the Eye icon to preview the chatbot at any point.

  • If it says Unpublished Changes, it means there are changes waiting to be made public.

  • Once you click on Publish, all pending changes will become live on your chatbot.

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Script Types