You can create a slider inside the conversation to allow the user to select a number between two values.
You can set a Prefix or Suffix to your values.
You can set the minimum value and maximum value.
You can also set the incremental step value. By default it is set to 1.
Choose the Range type inside Build > Script

Click on Edit to add your own messages.

Once you are done making changes, you can click on Done.

Go to Build > Design and see how it looks.

If your question is "How tall are you?", you can set the prefix to empty and suffix to "cm".
If your question is "How many people?", you can set both prefix and suffix to empty.
You can add emojis in suffix and prefix to make it meaningful.
You can also add both suffix and prefix. Example, when prefix is "I need" and suffix is "jeans", it will give more meaning to the user.

Click on the Eye icon to preview the chatbot at any point.
If it says Unpublished Changes, it means there are changes waiting to be made public.
Once you click on Publish, all pending changes will become live on your chatbot.
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