List Type

List Type

List Type is useful when you want to give out options for the user to select as and when they are typing the answers. The possible options are added as tags. You simply have to type them and press the Enter key in your keyboard.


Choose the List type inside Build > Script


Click on Edit to add to customize.

Once you are done making changes to the text, you can click on Done.

The possible answers are displayed when the user starts typing. The user can also provide an answer that was not set by you if Show error if answer not in this list button is switched off.


Go to Build > Design and see how it looks.

Add Validation

You can add validation to your List Type by checking the box as shown below. By default, the validation is turned off. This is useful when the list of options the user can select is fixed or when the list is very long.


Adding validation can decrease your conversion rates.

It is also not recommended when your suggestion list is very small in number.


  • Click on the Eye icon to preview the chatbot at any point.

  • If it says Unpublished Changes, it means there are changes waiting to be made public.

  • Once you click on Publish, all pending changes will become live on your chatbot.

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Script Types